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TA的每日心情 | 開心 2010-11-17 10:30 PM |
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2011/07/10 : 翻譯了一些重點 , 翻得很爛別笑我哈哈
不知道為什麼沒人發 .. 無聊就發上來 QQ
看得懂的人就看吧 .. 有空在翻譯,最近有點忙。
反正就是個很好用的自動更新程式,而且不用用到 FTP .. 用 HTTP 也可以更新。
支援的檔案存放方式也很多樣 ..
[ 從 eAthena SB 轉來的文章 : http://www.eathena.ws/board/index.php?showtopic=171632 ]
Note: version 3 is cancelled! As this project is close to dead, a final version will release soon.
About 2.5: some people reported 2.5 is more buggy than previous version. Besides that I have used code I'm not suppose to in order to initialize sqlite without dll. If you have not noticed, the server status file is larger than previous versions, because it's a sqlite DB file. If version 2.6 ever get released, it would change again, which means status file from 2.5 cannot be upgraded to 2.6 while previous versions can.
System Requirement: >Windows 2000
As the design of this patcher, the config file along with skin is embed inside patcher and without need distribute extra dlls.
For detail, please refer to changelog
- 程式特色 -
- Pack into single/multi grf file(s) [0x200]
- 如果 Grf 檔案不存在會自動建立 !
( Automatically generates GRF if not exist ) - 支援 RGZ 檔案 !
( RGZ support ) - 可自訂介面及語言 !
( Customizable skin & language entries ) - 支援背景音樂 !
( Background music ) - 沒有一堆不重要的檔案 , 像 dll 檔或設定檔之類的 , 讓你不會和其他伺服器衝突 !
( No extra dll, not even config file is needed when distribute [No conflict with other server] ) - 所有檔案包含設置檔和背景及按鈕圖樣等等都直接嵌入在更新器中 (就是你只需要一個更新器 exe 檔而已的意思)
( Embed config file and resource data (images for background/buttons) ) - 可以自訂按鈕 (像 "進入遊戲" 那些之類的) !
( Custom Button ) - 可以遠端控制設定檔 !
( Remote config file ) - 更新器自身也可以更新 !
( Self update and client update [Supports multi client exe update(Up to 255)] )
Config_Packer - make local config file embed into patcher.
ThorMaker - make patch files into thor file, there two options file & grf, when choose file, the patcher will extract file into disk, and grf simply put in GRF. [Please do not pack GRF, instead you should pack the actual data.]
CheckSum - Simply a crc32 tool, used to make sure patcher & client/game exe is up to date
Internal Config and Remote Config:
Internal config is simply the one embed inside patcher, store basic information required to run
Remote config, is on web server (of course), it used configure extended features.
Is this patcher Vista compatible?
I must say: not really. There isn't any Vista compatible patcher I know of; as standard of Vista was NOT modify files in Program Files. Modify files in Program Files with UAC enabled will require use administrator privilege, however that will not make it Vista compatible though.
關於 Vista
微軟在 Vista 系統上加裝了個叫 UAC 的東西 , 功能是會禁止任何程式更動 Program Files 中的檔案 ( 可能只能建立和刪除檔案 ) , 除非你有管理員的權限 , 所以如果你的 RO 放在這 , 自動更新就不能運行。
玩家可以做什麼來解決問題呢 :
1.不要把 RO 安裝在 Program Files
2. 關閉 UAC
3. 以管理員模式執行更新器
4. 改用 XP 吧
( Microsoft implemented User Account Control (UAC) on vista, which prohibits program to modify files in "program files" without administrator privilege(most likely only applies to create/delete file).
What can be done as a player? Don't install RO in "Program Files"; Install in other places such C:/RODisable UAC.Run patcher in Administrator(Microsoft don't like this).Don't use Vista. )
Thor Patcher now requires run in Administrator privilege (although I hate this, but that's the best choice out there).
程式下載點則在這 .. Thor Patcher 的官方網站 :
順便補兩個教學 .. Google 找到的 ! 不過文字教學是英文 .. 影片教學我也不知道他哪國文 ( 感謝 sinya 大發現是葡萄牙文(?) ) .. 反正就照著影片做總會。